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Depression Depression Test
Anxiety Anxiety Test
Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Test
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What is Depression?

Depression is a persistent mood disorder that affects the way we feel, think, and act; you may experience anxiety, stress, or saddening thoughts with depression. Depression is mainly characterized by profound sadness, lack of motivation, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of interest in pleasurable activities. These are the characteristics that this quiz is testing for. However, this quiz may not be all encompassing, and other aspects of your life may be affecting your depression symptoms and mental health, that this quiz may not be testing for.

As you can probably imagine, depression disorders can impact our personal and professional life profoundly, leading to social isolation, relationship issues, and even medical complications, many people have trouble sleeping with depression. However, with the necessary information and treatment, people with depression can live productive healthy lifestyles with a diagnosis. There are many options for treatment, including therapy, medication, group therapy, and online therapy, each of these may help alleviate symptoms of depression.

Depression and anxiety have a lot in common, which is why it’s relatively easy – especially for laypeople – to confuse them. They are the two most common mental health or mood disorders that mental health professionals diagnose. Furthermore, depression and anxiety can co-occur, with overlapping symptoms that make it even more difficult for clinicians to separate them. People with anxiety and depression both may voice similar symptoms, like difficulty sleeping, poor mood, lack of energy, and anxious thoughts. However, this quiz tests for the differences in depression and anxiety.

While depression involves persistent sadness and the tendency to ruminate on past events and thoughts, anxiety generates restlessness and persistent worrying.

But to understand why depression can have a devastating impact on our everyday life, we need to look at the signs and symptoms.

Signs of Depression

Depression symptoms can vary in intensity, change how you feel, dictate what you eat, what you do, or who you see, and may feel overwhelming. Whether it is the thoughts, mood, or feeling that makes you question whether or not you have depression, it is important that you take care of your mental health. What one person will feel may be different from another person's experience with depression. How to treat each of these symptoms may change from person to person as well. This quiz tests what you may be experiencing with depression, but other general symptoms can include:

  • Persistent sadness

  • Ruminative thoughts

  • Lack of motivation

  • Lack of focus

  • Physical and mental exhaustion, feeling tired

  • Loss of interest in hobbies and pleasurable activities

  • A significant decline in work/academic performance

  • Difficulty in making decisions

  • Feelings of worthlessness and helplessness

  • Feelings of guilt and shame

  • Suicidal ideation

  • Loss of appetite or poor appetite

  • Low sex drive

  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping

  • Weight loss or weight gain

  • Gastrointestinal distress

  • Irritability and angry outbursts

Typically, symptoms must last at least two weeks for depression to be diagnosed, so take this into consideration throughout the depression quiz; then ask for an assessment from a mental health professional for further information and treatment, Furthermore, medical conditions such as vitamin deficiency can be mistaken for symptoms of depression so it is important to fully consider all possible causes as you take any depression quiz or inventory. Mental health can impact your energy levels, how tired you are, your stress, sleeping habits, mood, thoughts, and so much more. Keep reading to find out more about what treatment might be right for you.

If the results of this depression quiz seem like you may be experiencing depressive symptoms, know that you are not alone: Depression impacts 1 in 15 adults each year. And 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some time in their life. There is help out there for those with depression. Let the results of this quiz empower you to get help and improve your mental health, sleep, and mood.

If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, and is available 24/7.

How is Depression Treated?

When it comes to treatment options for depression, mental health professionals often resort to medication and/or psychotherapy for depression. In fact, studies suggest that a mix of psychiatric interventions and therapy focused on depression, provides the best possible outcome. With the right treatment plan, anyone with depression or a mental health diagnosis can improve their mood, stress levels, sleeping, thoughts, and more. After this depression quiz, don't be afraid to reach out for the treatment and help you need for depression.

Treatment: Psychotherapy for Depression Symptoms

In essence, psychotherapy (or ‘talk’ therapy) helps you get to the bottom of the depression symptoms, understand how depression affects your life, and cultivate healthy habits that will keep your depression at bay.

In general, experts believe therapy is an excellent treatment option for mild forms of depression, and most professionals specialize in depression or have experience working with people who are experiencing depression. When it comes to severe clinical depression, healthcare professionals recommend a psychiatric consultation followed by antidepressant medication to tackle the depression. This balance of treatment medications and therapy can help with the pain of depression while understanding the thoughts and feelings.

Aside from individual therapy, patients with depression can benefit greatly from family and couples therapy. There’s also group therapy for depression which brings together people who suffer from the same condition, creating a community that tests and provides mutual support for depression.

Treatment: Medication for Depression Symptoms

Since depression disorders are caused in part by chemical imbalances in the brain, the use of psychiatric treatments is sometimes the only way patients can get back on their feet, improve sleep, and decrease stress. Depression is treatable with the right care, and a therapist can support you to get the help you need and start feeling more like yourself and less like your depression symptoms.

Online Therapy for Depression Symptoms

What are the options for therapy? One valuable way to address symptoms of depression is online therapy or counseling. With therapy online, you can get treatment and improve your mental health or depression from the comfort of your home. On many online services you can receive therapy for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and most mental health issues. This can be an empowering experience to cultivate a mindset of wellness, and not just focusing on what this quiz addresses: the symptoms of your depression. Are you wondering how to take the first steps? For more information on online counseling for how to address depression, check out BetterHelp on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. 

Depression Test

Depression quiz results can provide helpful information on how to move forward.

Mental Health Resources

There are many online resources and websites available to people dealing with mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorder diagnosis and symptoms. You are not alone. If you are in crisis involving symptoms of depression or other mental health problems or want to learn more about mental health, do not hesitate to call the hotlines below:

Don't be afraid to reach out for help for depression or other mental health concerns today, regardless of the results of this quiz.

Where to Read More about Depression: 


Reviews for this test

Overall Rating

(43 reviews)


I have taken a few of these tests and they all turned out severe depression but I still have my doubts on that I actually have depression and I am constantly thinking about the afterlife for some random reason but overall I found this helpful in a way so thank you!

WG·Tokyo, Japan·September 2024


I appreciate that it’s a free test and it’s easy to answer. I can actually get options of what I’m feeling g might be more then just a bit of sadness or hormones.

TB·Nijmegen, The Netherlands·August 2024


it did help and i appreciate that it told me the straight up truth.

KV·Racine, United States·June 2024


This is my son .He is now getting help. Thank you.

WK·Welland, Canada·April 2024


Was easy to relate to questions and answers

JD·Wokingham, United Kingdom·April 2024


My doctor diagnosed me with depression and I wanted to see if she wasn’t lying. I guess she wasn’t

RG·Vulcan, Canada·January 2024


I've had major depression for the most of my life was diagnosed in 2004 and don't know how I should feel about this test, but thank you for the free testing.

KL·Winnipeg, Canada·November 2023


As a person who's actually already diagnosed, this test gave me a score really similar, to the one I a professional gave me! I always like to see which tests are reliable, and I think these are pretty reliable. Oh, but never self diagnose, if you have any symptoms of any mental illness, please check in with a professional.

QG·Oxnard, United States·February 2021


I was able to open up about things I haven’t been able to do before. If I were to say anything to anyone, I’d feel terrible for not letting them know. I was obviously surprised with my results, but then again, I have been acting this way for awhile now. I believe that the accuracy is on point, and/or near on point. I feel exposed, but in a good way! I hope I get better soon then... thank you for this test.

FE·Albion, United States·February 2021


This is great me and my boyfriend found out I have severe depression he said he’s gonna help me though it

PV·Paris, United States·February 2021


Good format, easy to read response, email optional. Best depression quiz I’ve ever taken.

FK·Alexandria, United States·February 2021


The questions ar every concise and i appreciate that you add the number for the hotline many times for people in need. The test may be a little triggering but you're aware of that and make an effort to help. I also like that at the end you do provide the disclaimer that a person still might not have depression because there is little information taken but you recommend a health professional that could help or could find one in the area

CL·Las Vegas, United States·February 2021


It was very informational because I had almost all of these all the time and I didn't really know it was depression but I had a little feeling

RD·Queen Creek, United States·February 2021


I finally found out I was Severely Depressed now my goal is to push through that and get on with a better life

SD·Sydney, Australia·February 2021


I just had my 80 year old mother take this test. Because of it she now realizes what me and my siblings have been trying to tell her. Thank you for helping us help her.

CV·Pomona, United States·February 2021


Helped give me some sort of comfort in asking for help

KE·Selden, United States·February 2021


Going into the test from a stressed emotional space, I appreciated the neutral calm questions and description of the grades of depression. Felt encouraged by the caring questions, non judgmental preachy information. Thanks.

PF·Moncton, Canada·February 2021


I really like this and think it's pretty professional I dont like that they try to cram a therapist down your throat. I like the idea it's a way to start the conversation with a professional.

LT·Commerce City, United States·February 2021


It helped me realize that I had depression before it got worse.

IK·Henderson, United States·February 2021


I wasn’t sure but after participating in this test I feel more confident about speaking to someone. I think I will speak to my doctor first as I don’t feel confident reaching out to anyone at work and don’t want family and friends to worry about this at this stage.

GN·Sydney, Australia·February 2021


Quick and easy.

RT·Nottingham, United States·February 2021


Thanks now I can go to the doctors and try and get better

OO·Mitchelton, Australia·February 2021


Really helped me put all the pieces together of what I was thinking and feeling. Thank you!

AQ·Columbus, United States·February 2021


AM·Vaughan, Canada·February 2021


TE·Durack, Australia·February 2021


I feel like finding out that I am probably depressed makes me feel even worse. I don’t feel like I have a reason to be depressed and I don’t want to seem like I’m attention seeking. I don’t think I have the right to be depressed so Ive been ignoring it for a while, but now I know that I should probably seek further diagnosis and probably treatment. The test itself was pretty conclusive and aligned with others I’ve taken. I guess I’m just disappointed with the results, as would you be if you discovered you had moderately severe depression. Thank you for uploading this. I really appreciate this because I didn’t want to go out of my way to get an opinion for fear that people would judge me, but the confidentiality really helps. Thank you.

LM·Lincoln, United Kingdom·February 2021


AJ·Claremont, United States·February 2021


OT·Vacaville, United States·February 2021


NE·Nottingham, United Kingdom·February 2021


VL·Kansas City, United States·February 2021


LI·Reseda, United States·February 2021


DM·Clitheroe, United Kingdom·February 2021


PA·Milton, Canada·February 2021


AR·Kalgoorlie, Australia·February 2021


QI·Union, United States·February 2021


It was helpful now I just need to get help at school from my teacher

JO·Scarborough, United States·February 2021


RP·Denver, United States·February 2021


I've been feeling quite down recently and took this test and scored "moderate depression." If nothing else it's helped me understand that I'm not just making things up and that, in fact, I have some issues that I need to work through with someone. I can't talk to my family about this - they'll just judge me - and so I guess it's a good way to learn if something's really up.

OQ·Elmhurst, United States·February 2021


CE·Pune, India·February 2021


NB·Zagreb, Croatia·February 2021


PS·Edgewater, United States·February 2021


easy to understand

UL·New York, United States·February 2021


Not too long helped me a lot